How to Join SBMS
If you are interested in joining SBMS follow the steps below. SBMS offers financial assistance, learn more about the Financial Assistance Program.
Please email if you have questions.
Step 1 USMS Registration
All swimmers MUST hold a current U.S. Masters Swimming membership before they can join SBMS. Our LMSC is Southern Pacific Masters Swimming and our Club code is SBM - Santa Barbara Masters.
Step 2 SBMS Membership
To swim with SBMS and participate in workouts you must join SBMS. During registration, you will be prompted to enter your current USMS number. Upon joining the team all members will pay a $25 SBMS Membership activation fee. This is a one-time membership fee, it is not an annual or recurring fee.
Step 3 Swim Workout Payment Option
The next step is to select a payment option. You can purchase individual swim passes or select one of the monthly options, see the fee structure below. Please also review the SBMS Billing Policy before signing up, Billing.
Step 4 Attend Workouts
Once you have paid for your SBMS Membership and have purchased swim passes or selected one of the monthly options, you can attend workouts.
JOIN Santa Barbara Masters Swimming
Fee Structure
FEE | 2024 |
Membership-One time new member activation fee | $25 |
1 Swim Pass | $15 |
10 Swim Pass | $150 |
1 Month | $90 |
1 Month Student Rate* | $50 |
3 Month | $240 |
12 Month | $840 |
*Student Rate
SBMS student rate is only for students in a certificate or degree program. Students must show proof of enrollment to receive the student discount. All swimmers MUST hold a current U.S. Masters Swimming membership before they can join SBMS. During registration, you will be prompted to enter your current USMS number.
SBMS Financial Assistance Program
Thank you for your interest in the SBMS Financial Assistance Program. Learn more about the Financial Assistance Program.